Wednesday 2 March 2016

Pick Glue - Is It For You?

After reviewing Gorilla Snot pick grip a few weeks ago, I was intrigued as to other pick grip products, and after some googling, found Pick Glue. Set up in September 2015, this new company was spawned out of necessity. Landon Davis, son of Grammy award winning guitarist and singer/songwriter Brad Davis, was annoyed that his Dad kept using his hair products for his fingers to stop dryness and to increase the grip on his plectrum. This necessity drove Landon to aspire to create a product for his Dad, and what a product it is!

Pick Glue is made up totally of wax-based mixtures, giving the product a very firm structure. This means that a little goes a long way. I used my plectrum to scrape a bit of Pick Glue from the pot, and rubbed it between my thumb and forefinger. The texture of Pick Glue isn't what I'd call sticky, but rather just increases the amount of friction you have. For this review, I'm using my custom V-Picks plectrum, my old Dunlop Tortex 1.14mm and my Gravity Razer 3mm - I chose to use 3 picks because of the varying materials used.

Using my Gravity Razer 3, the grip is instantly improved - the pick just doesn't slip around when you're holding it. As I am playing guitar whilst writing this, it is also very apparent that Pick Glue isn't transferring onto my keyboard - it stays on your finger. After a while of not playing, the Pick Glue dries on your finger, leaving no residue, or can be easily washed off with soap and water. The results are just as impressive on my signature V-Pick - this pick is less slippy than the Gravity normally, but Pick Glue just gives that extra assurance. The Pick Glue has a slightly less prominent effect on the Dunlop Tortex, probably due to that strange powder coating they come in, however in my opinion the Tortex is quite grippy on it's own, so personally the Pick Glue is a bit of overkill in this scenario.

As far as pick grip products go, Pick Glue is my favourite one I've used so far. Unlike the Gorilla Snot, Pick Glue didn't make me want to go and wash my hands repeatedly after using it, making it a lot more appealing for both working musicians and people who just play guitar at home. For people who struggle to grip plectrums, or with excessive dryness or sweaty hands when playing, Pick Glue is a must-try. I have really enjoyed trying out Pick Glue, I was a bit disheartened after trying Gorilla Snot, but I'm encouraged that there are great products out there for people who need them. It's also worth saying that, due to a high number of requests, they are soon releasing grip products for both drummers and athletes.

Being 20 years old, Landon is the same age as me, and I think it's awesome that he's created such a cool, usable product for guitarists. Check out Pick Glue! #GetStuck

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